About Us
Stone Hill Minerals is a privately-owned company that buys oil and gas mineral and royalty interests in oil and gas basins across the US with a focus in the Appalachian, Permian and DJ basins. Stone Hill, through its affiliates Stone Hill Minerals Holdings, LLC, SH Permian Minerals, LLC and Stone Hill Exploration and Production, LLC , owns and actively manages more than 100,000 net acres in seven states and has completed hundreds of mineral and royalty deals since the company was founded.
Stone Hill’s team of landmen, engineers and geologists have decades of experience successfully working with mineral owners. Mineral owners choose to sell to Stone Hill because we are easy to work with, professional, and treat people fairly.
Stone Hill is interested in deals of any size, whether producing or non-producing. We provide competitive offers and are able to close quickly. Please contact us for more information and let us know how we can accommodate your individual goals and needs.
100,000+ Net Acres
in 7 States
Easy to Work With
Treat People Fairly
Competitive Offers
Quick Closings
Areas Of Interest
Stone Hill Minerals is actively buying mineral & royalty interests in oil and gas basins across the US with a focus in the Appalachian, Permian and DJ basins. Please contact us to receive an offer.
Appalachian Basin

West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio
Greene and Washington Counties, PA l Doddridge, Harrison, Marion, Marshall, Monongalia, Ritchie, Tyler and Wetzel Counties, WV
Permian Basin

Delaware Basin, Midland Basin, Central Basin Platform
Eddy and Lea Counties, NM l Andrews, Crane, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Loving, Martin, Midland, Pecos, Reagan, Reeves, Upton, Ward and Winkler Counties, TX
DJ Basin

Weld County, Colorado
Why Sell to Stone Hill Minerals?
(click to expand answers)
What are oil & gas mineral, royalty and overriding royalty interests?
Owners of oil and gas mineral, royalty or overriding royalty interests receive revenue from producing oil and gas wells without paying drilling or monthly operating costs associated with the wells. Mineral and royalty interests involve ownership of the oil and gas minerals under the ground, whereas overriding royalty interests (ORRI) do not involve ownership of the oil and gas minerals. Instead ORRI’s involve ownership of a portion of the revenue associated with the oil and gas production. The revenue ownership of an ORRI ends when the oil and gas lease expires. Conversely, the owners of mineral and royalty interests still own the oil and gas minerals after a lease has expired.
What type of interests does Stone Hill Minerals buy?
Stone Hill Minerals buys producing and non-producing mineral, royalty and overriding royalty interests in oil and gas basins across the US with a focus in the Appalachian, Permian and DJ basins. Stone Hill Minerals will consider any deal size.
Why do people sell their minerals?
There are many reasons why a person may sell all or a portion of their minerals including: the desire to reduce risk, obtain cash now, simplify estate planning and paper work as well as take advantage of historically high offers and low long-term capital gains tax rates.
How do I contact Stone Hill Minerals?
Call us us at (724) 766-5775, email us at info@stonehillminerals.com, or complete and submit the Contact Us form this website.
What information do I need to provide?
Initially we will need the state, county and your parcel information. If we are interested in buying your minerals we may request additional information such as a copy of your lease and your last three royalty statements if your minerals are producing. We will then respond quickly with a competitive offer. If you accept the offer we will then conduct a short diligence process and prepare the mineral deeds and mail you an Order of Payment for your signature.
We consider many variables when making you a competitive offer, including: the location of your minerals, drilling activity, and offset well production. If your minerals are leased we also review the terms of your lease, the quality of the operator, and any royalty payments you are receiving.
If I receive an offer am I obligated to sell?
No. You are not obligated to sell until you have signed an Order of Payment.
Can I sell my minerals if I am currently receiving a royalty check?
Yes. Stone Hill Minerals buys producing interests.
Can I sell my minerals if they are unleased and undeveloped?
Yes. Stone Hill Minerals buys non-producing interests.
How long will it take to receive my cash once I sign an Order of Payment
Once the Order of Payment is signed we typically provide cash within 45-60 business days. We cover all costs associated with the sale including deed preparation and filing fees.